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Concatenating html object arrays with javascript

I'm attempting to merge two arrays made up of html objects. For some reason using .concat() will not work for me.

Here's a simple pen to demonstrate the problem:

Note: I tried searching for something remotely similar but found nothing that answered my question.

I figure you can do this the ole fashion way using for-loops but I rather not re-invent the wheel.

var x = document.getElementById("hello");
var items = x.getElementsByClassName("one");
var items2 = x.getElementsByClassName("two");
items = items.concat(items2);


  • items and items2 are nodeList or HTMLCollection objects, not arrays. They do not contain a .concat() method. They have a .length property and support [x] indexing, but they do not have the other array methods.

    A common workaround to copy them into an actual array is as follows:

    // convert both to arrays so they have the full complement of Array methods
    var array1 ="one"), 0);
    var array2 ="two"), 0);