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Open-source java XSLT 2.0 implementation?

I'm currently looking into using XSLT 2.0, but I cannot find any open-source java implementations (Saxon-B seems to fit the bill, but isn't schema-aware).

Am I missing something?


  • The only one is Saxon-HE:


    The W3C hosts an online version of it for testing:

    W3C Jigsaw XSLT 2.0 Service

    And there is JSFiddle like version as well:

    And the Frameless project hosts a JavaScript version of it:

    XSLT Fiddle

    There's also an App Engine project which uses it:

    XSLT App Engine Test Harness

    Other than that, there's an incomplete Xerces extension which implements XPath 2.0:

    Xerces XPath 2.0 Extension

    An Eclipse extension which implements XPath 2.0:

    WTP XPath2.0 Processor

    An incomplete Xalan-J branch which partially implements XSLT 2.0:

    Some prototype work for XSLT 2.0 support in the Xalan-J Interpretive processor went on in 2003, but then trailed off. That prototype work is still available on the xslt20 branch, but since then nobdy has stepped forward to carry on that initial prototyping, and the Xalan PMC hasn't put in place any plans for XSLT 2.0 support.

    As well as a server-side implementation of Saxon-CE which can run on Nashorn/Avatar.js:

