I'm currently looking into using XSLT 2.0, but I cannot find any open-source java implementations (Saxon-B seems to fit the bill, but isn't schema-aware).
Am I missing something?
The only one is Saxon-HE:
The W3C hosts an online version of it for testing:
And there is JSFiddle like version as well:
And the Frameless project hosts a JavaScript version of it:
There's also an App Engine project which uses it:
Other than that, there's an incomplete Xerces extension which implements XPath 2.0:
An Eclipse extension which implements XPath 2.0:
An incomplete Xalan-J branch which partially implements XSLT 2.0:
Some prototype work for XSLT 2.0 support in the Xalan-J Interpretive processor went on in 2003, but then trailed off. That prototype work is still available on the xslt20 branch http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xalan/java/branches/xslt20/, but since then nobdy has stepped forward to carry on that initial prototyping, and the Xalan PMC hasn't put in place any plans for XSLT 2.0 support.
As well as a server-side implementation of Saxon-CE which can run on Nashorn/Avatar.js: