Polymer website says multiple inheritance (or composition) is not supported using 'extend' attribute in Polymer. I want an element to be composed of some methods from one Polymer element, and some others from another, to have it reflect application logic. Is there currently any way to implement that in Polymer? (like doing that using javascript mixins)
Polymer now supports mixin:
var mixinObj = {
foo: function() {
/* ... */
var mixinObj2 = {
foo2: function() {
/* ... */
Polymer('my-component', Polymer.mixin({ // Platform.mixin for polymer version < 0.5
bar: function() {
/* ... */
this.foo(); // all the functions in mixinObjs are now accessible through 'this'
}, mixinObj, mixObj2); // Platform.mixin accepts multiple mixin objects
More info here