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Ambiguous "User-defined type not defined" Error

Generally, when the "User-defined type not defined" error occurs, a piece of code within the project is brought up on the VB6 UI and highlighted to show the user which user-defined type the IDE is unable to make an associate with.

In my case, however, no frame/code is popping up for this error, leaving me no idea which user-defined type this atrocious piece of software is unable to find.

This project is huge and includes hundreds of different references and components. Project -> References shows nothing is "missing". Any ideas for how to find out what user-defined type the IDE is unable to find?

enter image description here


  • Try setting project compatibility on every project in the group and start the application with Ctrl+F5 in the IDE.

    Try compiling from command line -- check out vb6.exe /? for more info.