I've dynamically linked libhunspell.dll (HunSpell) to my application. It works, but there is a dumb problem which I don't know why it happens.
Even before I use LoadLibrary("path\\to\\libhunspell.dll");
to load it and use it, on the start of the application it attempts to load the library by itself. If I place the libhunspell.dll into the path where my main executable resides, it can load it, otherwise it reports an error, immediately after starting the application - This application has failed to start because LIBHUNSPELL.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. and the application doesn't start.
I would understand if the LoadLibrary
would use invalid path but this happens as soon as the executable runs, even before the first statement in WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPTSTR, int)
executes (I've tried to place a breakpoint and it doesn't even reach it, so this happens before).
So, as a result, I must place libhunspell.dll in the same folder as my application executable, and not in the path I want.
This is probably easy to fix although I don't what to look for.
So the question is - how do I avoid it loading it immediately and have it wait until I use LoadLibrary
Here is how I linked if it can help:
1) compiled libhunspell.dll in Visual Studio 2015 (I used /MT option to link it statically so it doesn't have VC++ Redistributable as a dependency).
2) created import library (libhunspell.lib) using implib.exe -a -c -f libhunspell.lib libhunspell.dll
3) linked that to the source .cpp unit which is using it using #pragma comment(lib, "libhunspell.lib")
(it is RAD Studio 2010 so the .lib is required unlike newer versions).
4) later in the same .cpp used LoadLibrary
to load this library and used it.
By linking in the import stubs (libhunspell.lib) the OS will load the DLL for you as it is now a static dependency.
One approach would be specify the library as a delayload dependency: /DELAYLOAD:libhunspell.dll
via the linker options. You can then call LoadLibrary on the DLL.
The only other option is to stop including the .lib in the linker step, making it truly a dynamic dependency.