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Value getting rounded up by CFQueryParam

I have a self-submitting form, whose data gets used in a cfquery after it is submitted. I'm having a problem when the user submits a decimal rather than an integer.

This is for tires sizes

    <option value="19.0">R19</option>
    <option value="19.5">R19.5</option>

Then if the form is submitted, the results are passed on to a cfquery to show results only for that size.

<cfif form.size gt 0 > 
    AND ts.decDiameter = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_decimal" value="#form.size#" />

This works perfectly for whole numbers, but when I select 19.5, it brings me back the results for 20. It is rounding up. Something weird with the cfqueryparam. It is transforming the result into a numeric value, but it is rounding it up to the next integer.


  • You need to add the scale parameter.

    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_decimal" scale="2" value="#form.size#">

    You can use this reference...