I wanted to know how can we write validator for aui:select field which is in Autofield category.
This is my structure of the code:
for( loop total number of items)
// CREATE aui select, and aui inputs by appending the index
There is no problem with the functionality of Autofields. I am able to create duplicate entries while viewing of the form by looping through my items collection ,and there is also no problem while "CREATING" the form by using the liferay provided PLUS icon.
I have aui:select element in the container, which will be duplicated according to Autofield functionality. How can I provide a validator for this aui:select element. ?
Assuming some "template" <aui:select>
exists within your form similar to:
<aui:select id="elementIdPrefix0" name="elementIdPrefix0" label="Number" showEmptyOption='true' > <!-- options go here --></aui:select>
In your auto-fields
, you would need to provide an on
event listener for the clone
event. Within the callback you lookup the <aui:select>
from within the row container node that was just created (passed into the callback as a parameter).
AUI().use('liferay-auto-fields', 'aui-form-validator', function(A){
//Setup rules
var elementIdPrefix = '<portlet:namespace />elementIdPrefix',
myRules = {},
rulesRepository = {};
rulesRepository[elementIdPrefix] = {required:true};
myRules [elementIdPrefix + '0'] = rulesRepository[elementIdPrefix];
//Define validator
var validator = new A.FormValidator({
boundingBox: '#<portlet:namespace />myForm',
rules: myRules
new Liferay.AutoFields({
contentBox: '#my-fields',
fieldIndexes: '<portlet:namespace />indexes',
on: {
'clone': function(container){
//Lookup the clone
AUI().all('[name^=<portlet:namespace />elementId]').each(function(node, index){
console.log("Assign to " + node.get('id'))
//inject the rules
myRules [node.get('id')] = rulesRepository[elementIdPrefix]
Ideally, you should be able to use a child selector to get the node from within the clone
container. I had to provide a different way since I couldn't get that method to work. The reason I can use my approach is due to the fact that I know what the elementIdPrefix
is. For the sake of being able to provide an example, I went ahead and took advantage of this fact.
For a more dynamic approach, a selector such as myNode.one('> selectorString');
would have to be used.