I'm working with ABBYY cloud OCR, when my popruse is to scan 3 specific places in each document that I'm scanning. These 3 places will always be the same so I want to use the ProcessFields
function do it and having some problems with it.
When I want to scan only one specific place I used this :
string url1 = String.Format("http://cloud.ocrsdk.com/processFields?region=0,0,200,200&language=english");
When trying to scan 2 places I've tried this :
string url1 = String.Format("http://cloud.ocrsdk.com/processFields?region=0,0,200,200 region 100,100,100,100&language=english");
it gave me an error. Anyone has any advise how to do it? I also tried defieng 3 Uri's but as the upload is done only once - how can I reach the 2 other Uri's without scanning it again?
thanks a lot!
According to documentation of processField method, you can't pass field parameters in URI, you should form an XML and submit it using POST method instead of GET. There is also a sample XML file on that page.
Simple method with URI works only for one field and processTextField method.