I am using vs 2012 and new to code digger, when i click on Generate Inputs /Outputs Tables
Code diggers show error message as,
Code Digger is only supported for Portable Libraries. Please transfer your code into a Portable Library and go to the settings to disable this limitations.
So what should be my action here, 1. Should I convert my existing projects to Portable Library? Which I think not the good practice. 2. From where can i disable this limitations, it says settings? Where can i find this setting? 3. Is Code digger with VS 2012 really supports the normal class library/project?
Ideally Code Digger was not designed to run on non-portable class libraries. See this link: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/fb5badda-4ea3-4314-a723-a1975cbdabb4
That being said, you can do this under Advanced Options: If you are ready to run Code Digger on code that doesn't sit in Portable Class Libraries, then you can go to [Tools - Options...], select [Pex, General] and under [Code Digger] set [DisableCodeDiggerPortableClassLibraryRestriction] to True.