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vim-go autocompletion not working

I recently installed vim-go using pathogen, but the autocompletion feature is not working. If I am using it only shows commands I've already used. My .vimrc has

filetype plugin on

" Enable autocompletion
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
" Select keyword as you type
:set completeopt=longest,menuone

Do I need more than just this plugin? The other feature I have tested so far are working (:GoRun, syntax highlighting). This is on a Ubuntu machine.


  • The syntaxcomplete#Complete ships with Vim, not the Go filetype plugin, and it has very limited capabilities (basically, just offering the language's keywords). No wonder you're disappointed.

    The ftplugin/go.vim file sets the correct, custom completion of the vim-go plugin:

    setlocal omnifunc=go#complete#Complete

    So, just ensure that the 'filetype' setting is correct (go), and that you don't have any additional configuration that overrides the plugin's.

    :verbose setlocal omnifunc?

    can tell you.