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How to build vim 7.3.285 from source

I need to apply a patch to the vim source code, but I am having trouble finding the source code for version 7.3.285. The source code from the main vim site builds version 7.3.154. When I do a google search for "vim 7.3.285 source" I get mostly .rpm files and always something about Mandriva. I managed to find a .scr.rpm file and unpacked it, but then the main vim folder it had was exactly the same as the one on the vim site. My guess is that I have use the patch folder to apply the patch to version 285. So I tried the following:

  • Download .src.rpm file here
  • unpack .src.rpm file like so rpm2cpio vim-7.3.285-1.src.rpm | cpio -idmv --no-absolute-filenames
  • apply the patches to the vim73 folder somewhat like so for i in 'seq 0 285'; do patch -p0 < ../vim-7.3-patches/7.3.$i; done
  • then I also applied the aforementioned patch in a similar way patch -p1 -i ../vim-7.3.285-breakindent.patch
  • finally I compiled vim: configure, make and sudo make install

However, and this is where it gets weird, if I issue the command vim, it claims to be running version 7.3.285. If however, I issue the command gvim it claims to be running version 7.3.154. It was my understanding that you compile vim and gvim gets compiled too. Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong? Is there a 7.3.285 source file I can download instead to test out?


  • to get the 7.3.285 source clone the mercurial repo and then do hg up v7-3-285

    full instructions here