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How to test an abstract class with PHPunit?

Lets assume I have a file at /var/www/project/calculator.class.php

and here is the class

namespace App/Module/Calculator; 

abstract class calculator{

 static property $add; 

 static property $result; 

 function add($val_a, $val_b){
    return $a + $b; 


I would like to create a test case, for the above class, but it seems impossible to test it. I am stuck at the very basic stage.

require '/var/www/project/calculator.class.php';

 class CalculatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    public function testAbstactDatabaseClassExists()

       $this->assertEquals(is_object('Database'), 1);
      $this->assertEquals(true, in_array('Calculator', get_declared_classes()));



No matter what I do, there does not seem to be a way to test, the class and it's contents.

Anyone has any idea?


  • When testing abstract classes, you may use the Mock features of PHPUnit. An example for the add method would be as following:

    public function testAdd() {
        /* @var $calculator \App\Module\Calculator\calculator|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
        $calculator = $this
        $result = $calculator->add(13, 29);
        $this->assertEquals(42, $result);

    For further information about Mocking, please refer to the PHPUnit manual.