I have a super fish menu, the delay is set to 800, but when I move from one drop-down to another it still shows the previous drop-down and the new drop-down at the same time. until the 800ms delay is over then the previous drop-down goes away. I do not want to change the delay, but if a new drop-down is opened, I want the previously opened drop-down to close right away without delay. I hope this makes sense.
Is there a way to do that?
On its website, delay is set to 800 and I guess it works fine, it doesn't display old popup. Did you make any other changes in its code?
Edit: Ok here is a solution if you don't want to modify your multiple UL menu structure to a single UL. Just give unique ids to each UL, then modify over = function() in superfish.js like this
over = function(){
var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
if ($(this).attr('id') != $(menu).attr('id')) {
this may cause some other side effects but I don't see any for now.