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Special HTML characters in phpDocumentor in the NetBeans IDE

As you know the NetBeans IDE will pop you inline documentation in your PHP sources based on the phpDocumentor syntax.

What I found out is that when I use special HTML characters in my phpDocumentor documentation they are treated as HTML in NetBeans but as text in the HTMl doc generated by phpDocumentor.

For example:

 * Add a new <link> to the <head> of the document.

In the HTML generated by phpDocumentor, will be shown as:

Add a new <link> to the <head> of the document.

But in the NetBeans IDE it will be shown as:

Add a new <link> to the <head> of the document.

Which one is right? What is the correct way to embed special HTML characters in your phpDocumentor comments?


  • After some reseach it seems that phpDocumentor/NetBeans must interpret some tags. As you can see on Wikipedia here, only the following tags should be interpreted as HTML:

    • b
    • code
    • br
    • i
    • kbd
    • li
    • ol
    • p
    • pre
    • samp
    • ul
    • var

    All others tags should be displayed as plain text. Currently NetBeans interpret all tags. This is a bug IMO since phpDocumentor docBuilder only interpret some tags.

    I opened an issue (180636) on the NetBeans website.

    Hopefully it will be fixed soon...