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How to use SYSIN?

I've an exercise that I need to complete and execute the necessary applications to distribute the information about the transactions of credit cards business, with the ultimate goal of showing at a web page the confirmations of transactions.

My current step: "The JCL that runs the publishing application must have a DD called SYSIN to allow the application to read from the publication ZOS.CONTEST3.TXNS file using STDIN file handle."

ZOS.CONTEST3.TXNS contains information about the operations to be published.

I just need to implement a DD statement called SYSIN pointing to 'ZOS.CONTEST3.TXNS' like this?


JCL code:

//         PARM='MQ03 USER_ID'                  
//         DD DSN=WMQ.V701.SCSQLOAD,DISP=SHR    
//         DD DSN=WMQ.V701.SCSQANLE,DISP=SHR    
//         DD DSN=WMQ.V701.SCSQAUTH,DISP=SHR    
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                          
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                          

I've submitted the job and this is the LOG in SDSF (without SYSIN): (In "ST Status of jobs" no have the submitted job...)

SDSF SYSLOG   6203.101 MVST MVST 06/07/2014 0W   30042      COLUMNS   1  80   
COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE

N 0200000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.90 JOB06616 00000281  $HASP100 EXECPUB  ON INTRDR                            FROM TSU06615  
S                                                       USER_ID                 
N 0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.90 JOB06616 00000290  IRR010I  USERID USER_ID  IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.          
N 0020000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.94 JOB06616 00000281  ICH70001I USER_ID  LAST ACCESS AT 03:58:54 ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014  
N 4000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.94 JOB06616 00000090  $HASP373 EXECPUB  STARTED - INIT 1    - CLASS A - SYS MVST  
N 0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.94 JOB06616 00000090  IEF403I EXECPUB - STARTED - TIME=04.13.08   
N 0020000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.97 JOB06616 00000281  CSV003I REQUESTED MODULE PUBAPP   NOT FOUND  
N 00A0000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.97 JOB06616 00000090  CSV028I ABEND806-04  JOBNAME=EXECPUB   STEPNAME=PUBLISH   
N 0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.97          00000290  IEA989I SLIP TRAP ID=X806 MATCHED.  JOBNAME=EXECPUB , ASID=002E.     

M 0020000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.97 JOB06616 00000281  IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT 402  
D                                         402 00000281  SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=806  REASON CODE=00000004 
D                                         402 00000281   TIME=04.13.08  SEQ=02152  CPU=0000  ASID=002E 
D                                         402 00000281   PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  070C1000   813DAC4E  ILC 2  INTC 0D  
D                                         402 00000281     NO ACTIVE MODULE FOUND
D                                         402 00000281     NAME=UNKNOWN         
D                                         402 00000281     DATA AT PSW  013DAC48 - 8400181E  0A0D18FB  180C181D  
D                                         402 00000281     AR/GR 0: 99FE0D16/00001E00   1: 00000000/84806000     
D                                         402 00000281           2: 00000000/00000000   3: 00000000/00000000  
D                                         402 00000281           4: 00000000/00000000   5: 00000000/006FF548  
D                                         402 00000281           6: 00000000/000000FF   7: 00000000/00000000  
D                                         402 00000281           8: 00000000/006B1250   9: 00000000/013DB138   
D                                         402 00000281           A: 00000000/00000000   B: 00000000/00000000  
D                                         402 00000281           C: 00000000/00000000   D: 00000000/006B1250 
D                                         402 00000281           E: 00000000/84806000   F: 00000000/00000004   
E                                         402 00000281   END OF SYMPTOM DUMP    
M 0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000090  IEF450I EXECPUB PUBLISH - ABEND=S806 U0000 REASON=00000004 403
E                                         403 00000090          TIME=04.13.08   

N 0004000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000290  -                                         --TIMINGS (MINS.)--   
S                                                        ----PAGING COUNTS---   
N 0004000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000290  -JOBNAME  STEPNAME PROCSTEP    RC   EXCP    CPU    SRB  CLOCK   SERV  PG  
S                                                          PAGE   SWAP    VIO SWAPS STEPNO     
N 0004000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000290  -EXECPUB           PUBLISH  *S806     18    .00    .00    .00   2248   0  
S                                                             0      0      0     0     1       
N 0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000090  IEF404I EXECPUB - ENDED - TIME=04.13.08 
N 0004000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000290  -EXECPUB  ENDED.  NAME-                     TOTAL CPU TIME=   .00  TOTAL 
S                                                        ELAPSED TIME=   .00    
N 4000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:08.98 JOB06616 00000090  $HASP395 EXECPUB  ENDED 
N C000000 ZTT1     14158 04:13:09.00          00000090  $HASP309 INIT 1    INACTIVE ******** C=A       
MR0000000 ZTT1     14158 04:20:44.63 STARTUP  00000090  $HASP003 RC=(52),D 411  
DR                                        411 00000090  $HASP003 RC=(52),D JQ  - NO SELECTABLE ENTRIES FOUND     
ER                                        411 00000090  $HASP003           MATCHING SPECIFICATION

Thanks for your attention!


  • Your problem with running this jobstep is here:


    This means that PUBAPP is not in any loadlibrary you have specified on the //STEPLIB DD.

    It may be: a program failed to compile/link/bind; it was linked/bound to the wrong library; the STEPLIB contains the wrong library; the STEPLIB contains a missing library.

    Remember this is a contest, and there are probably little traps along the way.