I was able to use the older version of Twitter Typeahead without a problem, my knowledge of the new one is definitely limited, and I am definitely confused on why there are duplicate entries showing up.
This is my Javascript:
// Sources
var sources = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('name'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
prefetch: '/sources/prefetch/',
remote: '/sources/prefetch/'
$('#a_sources_list').typeahead(null, {
name: 'sources',
displayKey: 'name',
source: sources.ttAdapter()
/sources/prefetch/ returns:
Here is a screenshot of what is happening:
The issue was with both prefetch
and remote
being called from the same source.
The issue is detailed here:
Essentially, BloodHound has a default limit. If the number of suggestions are under that limit, it calls the remote URL.
There is an option to create a duplicate detector:
You can use this to make sure the same item doesn't appear twice.
Here's an example of a dupDetector:
dupDetector: function(remoteMatch, localMatch) {
return remoteMatch.id === localMatch.id;