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Fetching data from Cassandra is too slow

We have a cluster of 3 cassandra nodes. All nodes are working fine, but fetching results is EXTREMELY slow. I run a SELECT-query in cql-shell to fetch ~100k of rows and before starting to show me first results it may take up to 30 seconds to warm-up.

Why it may happen? Is there any way to speed it up?

Here is a trace log:

activity                                                                                                                                              | timestamp    | source         | source_elapsed
                                                                                                                                   execute_cql3_query | 17:41:34,923 | *.*.*.211 |              0
Parsing SELECT * FROM ga_page_visits WHERE site_global_key='GLOBAL_KEY' AND reported_at < '2014-05-17' AND reported_at > '2014-05-01' LIMIT 100000; | 17:41:34,923 | *.*.*.211 |             87
                                                                                                                                  Preparing statement | 17:41:34,923 | *.*.*.211 |            290
                                                                                                                   Sending message to /*.*.*.213 | 17:41:34,924 | *.*.*.211 |           1579
                                                                                                                   Sending message to /*.*.*.212 | 17:41:34,924 | *.*.*.211 |           1617
                                                                                                            Executing single-partition query on users | 17:41:34,924 | *.*.*.211 |           1666
                                                                                                                Message received from /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.213 |             48
                                                                                                                Message received from /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.212 |             40
                                                                                                                         Acquiring sstable references | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           1704
                                                                                                                          Merging memtable tombstones | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           1767
                                                                                                                          Key cache hit for sstable 2 | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           1886
                                                                                                          Seeking to partition beginning in data file | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           1908
                                                                            Skipped 0/1 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           2337
                                                                                                           Merging data from memtables and 1 sstables | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           2366
                                                                                                                   Read 1 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 17:41:34,925 | *.*.*.211 |           2410
                                                                                                            Executing single-partition query on users | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.213 |            702
                                                                                                            Executing single-partition query on users | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.212 |            813
                                                                                                                         Acquiring sstable references | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.213 |            747
                                                                                                                         Acquiring sstable references | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.212 |            848
                                                                                                                          Merging memtable tombstones | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.213 |            838
                                                                                                                          Merging memtable tombstones | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.212 |            922
                                                                                                                          Key cache hit for sstable 5 | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.213 |           1006
                                                                                                                          Key cache hit for sstable 1 | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.212 |           1044
                                                                                                          Seeking to partition beginning in data file | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.213 |           1034
                                                                                                          Seeking to partition beginning in data file | 17:41:34,926 | *.*.*.212 |           1066
                                                                            Skipped 0/1 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.213 |           1635
                                                                            Skipped 0/1 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.212 |           1543
                                                                                                           Merging data from memtables and 1 sstables | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.213 |           1676
                                                                                                           Merging data from memtables and 1 sstables | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.212 |           1571
                                                                                                                   Read 1 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.213 |           1760
                                                                                                                   Read 1 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.212 |           1634
                                                                                                                Enqueuing response to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.213 |           2014
                                                                                                                Enqueuing response to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.212 |           1846
                                                                                                                   Sending message to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.213 |           2173
                                                                                                                   Sending message to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,927 | *.*.*.212 |           1960
                                                                                                                Message received from /*.*.*.213 | 17:41:34,928 | *.*.*.211 |           4759
                                                                                                                Message received from /*.*.*.212 | 17:41:34,928 | *.*.*.211 |           4775
                                                                                                             Processing response from /*.*.*.213 | 17:41:34,928 | *.*.*.211 |           5439
                                                                                                             Processing response from /*.*.*.212 | 17:41:34,928 | *.*.*.211 |           5668
                                                                                                                     Sending message to /*.*.*.40 | 17:41:34,929 | *.*.*.211 |           5954
                                                                                                   Executing single-partition query on ga_page_visits | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           6792
                                                                                                                         Acquiring sstable references | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           6868
                                                                                                                          Merging memtable tombstones | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           6936
                                                                                                                          Key cache hit for sstable 2 | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7075
                                                                                                    Seeking to partition indexed section in data file | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7102
                                                                                                                          Key cache hit for sstable 1 | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7211
                                                                                                    Seeking to partition indexed section in data file | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7232
                                                                            Skipped 1/3 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7290
                                                                                                           Merging data from memtables and 2 sstables | 17:41:34,930 | *.*.*.211 |           7311
                                                                                                                Message received from /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,964 |   *.*.*.40 |             45
                                                                                                            Executing single-partition query on users | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |            658
                                                                                                                         Acquiring sstable references | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |            695
                                                                                                                          Merging memtable tombstones | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |            762
                                                                                                                         Key cache hit for sstable 14 | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |            852
                                                                                                          Seeking to partition beginning in data file | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |            876
                                                                                                                         Key cache hit for sstable 16 | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |           1275
                                                                                                          Seeking to partition beginning in data file | 17:41:34,965 |   *.*.*.40 |           1293
                                                                            Skipped 0/2 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 17:41:34,966 |   *.*.*.40 |           1504
                                                                                                           Merging data from memtables and 2 sstables | 17:41:34,966 |   *.*.*.40 |           1526
                                                                                                                   Read 1 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 17:41:34,966 |   *.*.*.40 |           1592
                                                                                                                Enqueuing response to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,966 |   *.*.*.40 |           1755
                                                                                                                   Sending message to /*.*.*.211 | 17:41:34,966 |   *.*.*.40 |           1834
                                                                                                                  Message received from /*.*.*.40 | 17:41:34,980 | *.*.*.211 |          57679
                                                                                                               Processing response from /*.*.*.40 | 17:41:34,981 | *.*.*.211 |          57785
                                                                                                               Read 99880 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 17:41:36,315 | *.*.*.211 |        1392676
                                                                                                                                     Request complete | 17:41:37,541 | *.*.*.211 |        2618390

The table schema is:

CREATE TABLE ga_page_visits (
  site_global_key ascii,
  reported_at timestamp,
  timeuuid ascii,
  bounces int,
  campaign text,
  channel ascii,
  conversions int,
  device ascii,
  keyword text,
  medium text,
  new_visits int,
  page_id int,
  page_views int,
  referral_path text,
  site_search_engine_id int,
  social_network text,
  source text,
  value decimal,
  visits int,
  PRIMARY KEY (site_global_key, reported_at, timeuuid)
  bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
  caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
  comment='' AND
  dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND
  gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
  index_interval=128 AND
  read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
  replicate_on_write='true' AND
  populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
  default_time_to_live=0 AND
  speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
  memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
  compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
  compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};


  • I suspect you've got an issue with your data model. It looks like you're pushing in an absolute ton of data into a single partition. That will become a problem as your data set gets bigger. I recommend this type of structure instead:

    CREATE TABLE ga_page_visits (
      site_global_key ascii,
      day timestamp,
      timeuuid ascii,
      bounces int,
      campaign text,
      channel ascii,
      conversions int,
      device ascii,
      keyword text,
      medium text,
      new_visits int,
      page_id int,
      page_views int,
      referral_path text,
      site_search_engine_id int,
      social_network text,
      source text,
      value decimal,
      visits int,
      PRIMARY KEY ((site_global_key, day), timeuuid)
    ) WITH
      bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
      caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
      comment='' AND
      dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND
      gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
      index_interval=128 AND
      read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
      replicate_on_write='true' AND
      populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
      default_time_to_live=0 AND
      speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
      memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
      compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
      compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};

    You already have a timeuuid, that has a time embedded in it, so you don't need a reported_at timestamp.

    You are going to have a ridiculous number of rows in this partition. You should use a composite primary key of site_global_key & the date (do not add the time, let it be 00:00:00.)

    This way, each day will live on a separate partition and is more easily queried. Do 1 query for each day. This will perform much better.