I have created a simple 2d scene in Love2D with a square that falls until it reaches a certain point and then stops. The problem is that the square stops at a slightly different point every time with no user input or modified code.
Here is my lua
function love.load()
playY = 0
playX = 10
grav = 200
speed = 100
function love.draw()
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0,465,800,150)
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", playX,playY,10,10)
love.graphics.print(playY, 100, 5)
love.graphics.print(playX, 100, 15)
function love.update(dt)
if playY < 454 then
playY = playY + grav * dt
if playY == 456 then
if love.keybord.isDown("right") then
playX = playX + speed * dt
The variable playY shows the player height but it stops at different values every time.
Why is this?
As mentioned earlier dt is only as consistent as the games refresh rate. This value is multiplied with the velocity to give smooth gameplay.
If this is a player and you wish the y to stop at 456, you can always write
if playY > 456 then
playY = 456
You can pretty much guarantee that the playY will stop at 456 every time because it will snap the player back to that spot.