Is it possible to use HtmlUnit through SOCKS proxy? Could anyone please provide a code sample?
So I've dug through webclient sources, here's the best way I can think of:
Subclass MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager
so that it allows setting SOCKS info and if it is set, before returning a Connection, sets SOCKS parameters
Subclass WebConnection
- rewrite createHttpClient
so that it uses a manager from step 1 and add a method to get that manager directly or http client at first (it is protected now - so bad...)
To use 1) create a WebClient
instance 2) Create subclassed WebConnection
3) Set it to be used by WebClient
4) Access connection's manager and use it's methods to use socks
HtmlUnit uses HttpClient as the underlying connection library, I investigated this a little, but:
1- Couldn't find a way to configure HttpClient (except by the generic Java Socks mechanism defined in
2- Do not have access to a public Socks Proxy to test against