I want to implement the following functionality:
Suppose you have 1 input field and 2 drop-down lists. At the input field you can fill in your e-mail address and next to that you can choose what kind of type this e-mail is (Personal, Professional, Other, or nothing).
Now in the third drop-down list you will see a list of e-mails where you can choose from, the e-mail address you prefer.
So what should happen:
1) If there is nothing in the input field the preferred e-mail drop-down list is empty (this is already the case).
2) When there is an e-mail filled in AND a TYPE, the preferred e-mail drop-down list should contain this value: test@test.com (Personal) for example.
3) When there is an e-mail filled in but no TYPE, the preferred e-mail drop-down list should contain this value: test@test.com for example so without the type.
<div ng-repeat="email in contactInfo.emails">
<input id="email" type="text" ng-model="email.email"/>
<select id="emailType" ng-model="email.emailTypeId" ng-options="emailType.id as emailType.name for emailType in emailTypes">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
<label>Preferred e-mail:</label>
<select style="margin-left: 20px; width: 50%;" id="preferred-email" ng-model="contactInfo.preferredEmail" ng-options="email.email for email in (contactInfo.emails | filter:filterEmail) track by email.id">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
function MyCtrl($scope){
$scope.contactInfo = {};
$scope.emailTypes = [{"label":"Personal","id":1,"name":"Personal","rank":2},{"label":"Professional","id":2,"name":"Professional","rank":2},{"label":"Other","id":3,"name":"Other","rank":4}];
$scope.contactInfo.emails = [{"id":1100, "emailTypeId":2,"email":"member@test.com"}, {"id":1200, "emailTypeId":1,"email":"member2@test.com"}];
$scope.contactInfo.prefferedEmail = {};
$scope.filterEmail = function(email){
return (email.email);
HERE is the fiddle but only the first one is working.
I don't have ant clue so it would be great if someone could help me with this. Thank you for your time.
Here is a sample implementation - http://jsfiddle.net/iamgururaj/T7fkH/5/
<select style="margin-left: 20px; width: 50%;" id="preferred-email" ng-model="contactInfo.preferredEmail" ng-options="getEmail(email) for email in (contactInfo.emails | filter:filterEmail) track by email.id">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
$scope.contactInfo = {
emails: [{
"id": 1100,
"emailTypeId": "2",
"email": "1@test.com"
}, {
"id": 1200,
"emailTypeId": "1",
"email": "2@test.com"
$scope.emailTypes = {
"1": "Personal",
"2": "Professional",
"3": "Other"
$scope.filterEmail = function (email) {
return (email.email);
$scope.getEmail = function (email) {
if (email.emailTypeId) {
return email.email + ' (' + $scope.emailTypes[email.emailTypeId] + ')';
return email.email;