Search code examples

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: A Foreign key refering has the wrong number of column. should be 2

Table details

I have the tables as in the screenshot above

Class are written as below

public class Object {  
    private int id;  

    private String name;  

    private List<ObjectAttribute> attrubuteList;  

public class ObjectAttribute {  
    private int id;  
    private Object object;  
    private String name;  

public class Filter {  
    private int filterId;  
    private Object object;  
    private String filterName;  
    private Set<FilterAttribute> filterValues;  

public class FilterAttribute implements Serializable {  

    private int filterAttrId;  
    private Object object;  
    private Filter filter;  
    private ObjectAttribute attribute;  

    private String value;  

Note not added getter and setters

and test code as below

List<Object> list = sess.createCriteria(Object.class).list();  
        for(Object ob: list)  
            System.out.println("Object name : "+ ob.getName());  
            List<ObjectAttribute> attList = ob.getAttrubuteList();  

            for (Iterator iterator = attList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {  
                ObjectAttribute objectAttribute = (ObjectAttribute) iterator  

I am getting the below exception

Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: A Foreign key refering from has the wrong number of column. should be 2  
    at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.TableBinder.bindFk(  

i came to know i should have the 2 attributes in FilterAttribute class to hold the composite key.. But how can we do that?


  • @Entity  
    public class ObjectAttribute {  
        private int id;  
        @Id  <------------------------ try to remove this annotation
        private Object object;  
        private String name;  

    It thinks your ObjectAttribute has 2 ids compound key

    UPDATE: If it really has compound multi column primary key you should reference both columns