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Adding property values to a maven archetype

Is it possible to add property values to a maven archetype so that these are requested on generation from a repository?

I'm trying to create an archetype from a project that contains strings such as ${mainUrl} in a config.xml file.

Im trying to set this up from the pom before i generate it. However the result is that that ${mainUrl} never changes. And attempts to set it via a properties file never succeed.


  • Ok , found a solution.

    I had to generate the archetype from my project with the required property added like this to the pom.xml


    After generation using "mvn archetype:create-from-project"

    I added the xml below to archetype-metadata.xml

    <requiredProperty key="mainUrl"/>

    And to added "mainUrl=test"

    Then ran "mvn clean install" on the archetype.

    Now when i generate the archetype with "mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local"

    It also prompts me to enter "mainUrl" and changes instances of ${mainUrl} to the url entered.