Is there a concrete example about saving layers that contain images + shapes + events on each node to JSON format, and then load it? What I have done until now is saving to JSON.
I want to give the user the ability to save what he has done, close his computer (his session on the website), then when he connects again, the old saved layers appear. So he can continue drawing, dragging and dropping, etc.
As far as I know, you can only save shapes and its attributes to JSON. You can't save images and events.
After loading stage from JSON, you will have to reassign all the images again as well as the events.
Here's a tutotial from KineticJS website regarding Complex Stage Loading
Edit1: I had the same problem you're having... In order to solve this, after loading the stage, layers and shapes, I just get the shapes I want to assign events by using find
on its name
attribute. You may also consider using find
by type
for the same purpose.