I'm in having a trouble ... I'm calling a service from my unity3D game, but it says no crossdomain.xml
policy file found. for the time being I'm using LOCALHOST as http://localhost:3537/Service1.svc/search?q=newquery
and I've place crossdomain.xml
in the root folder of server i.e. I can get contents of that file by http://localhost:3537/crossdomain.xml
file contains
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
and when I call the service I use InspectElement/Network
(in Chrome), here I can see request is send to http://localhost:3537/crossdomain.xml
and response is received i.e. contents of xml file but still it says after response "Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file found". I've search a lot but nothing is going to work. I've read Security Sandbox of the Webplayer but unable to find solution. I've added Host URL
in Edit/Project Setting/Editor
as http://localhost:3537
then it work fine in unity3D, but if I build it and run ... Same ERROR ... kindly help me, I've less time as I've to submit my Project. This is my code
WWW url = new WWW("http://localhost:3537/Service1.svc/search?q=newquery");
yield return url;
if(url.error == null)
str = "WWW Ok!: " + url.text;
else {
str = "WWW Error: " + url.error;
Finally I've overcome this issue, after a long struggle, by just saving the crossdomain.xml
in ANSI (8 bits) encoding scheme which is similar to ASCII (7 bits), I've used notepad for this purpose. like following