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std::thread blocks in a singleton and .dll

I've read a lot about this, but I haven't found any solution yet.

My problem is that when I try to do this, I loose control.

hiloEscucha = std::thread(&PlayerClientSingleton::Run, this);

I'm working with a class implementing the singleton pattern in a multithread environment. My project is compiled to a DLL library. Everything works fine except thread creation.

I've tried this (link) and this example works fine in a stand alone console app, but my project is running as a DLL library.

When I load it from other C++ and C# projects it works fine, and when calling other methods it works well too. The problem occurs whe I call std::thread.

Here is the most important pieces of my code:

class PlayerClientSingleton : public PlayerClient {
    static PlayerClientSingleton* instance(void) {
        std::call_once(m_onceFlag, [] { m_instance = new PlayerClientSingleton; });
        return m_instance;

    //Initialize is called from the .dll initialization (Dllmain)
    bool initialize(void) { 

    void runThread(void) {
        m_thread = std::thread(&PlayerClientSingleton::Run, this);

        if (m_thread.joinable()) {

    static PlayerClientSingleton* m_instance;
    static std::once_flag         m_onceFlag;
    std::thread                   m_thread;

class PlayerClient {
    virtual void Run() {
        while (!m_threadEdn) {

Any idea why it does not work?


  • I think it has to do with the fact that you try to create the thread from DllMain, see also:

    Creating a thread in DllMain?