I'm a beginner in tapestry and I was wondering If it is possible to use a java expression as test into an component
I've been trying this way but it's not working
<t:loop source="pathologies" value="valueFromCda">
<t:if test="valueFromCda instanceof String">
the error is the following one :
Could not convert 'valueFromCda instanceof StrucDocList' into a component parameter binding: Error parsing property expression 'valueFromCda instanceof StrucDocList': line 1:0 no viable alternative at input 'valueFromCda'
valueFromCda and pathologies are properties in my controller:
private Object valueFromCda;
private List<Object> pathologies;
Thank you for your answers ! have a good afternoon ;)
The "test" parameter expects a property-binding by default. Tapestry will look for a property "valueFromCda instanceof String" or a POJO-like getter ("isXXX" for boolean return types is also ok) "getValueFromCda instanceof String", which it can’t find because there’s no such property or method in your page/component.
Instead you should write one like this:
<t:if test="valueInstanceOfString">
public boolean isValueInstanceOfString() {
return valueFromCda instanceof String;