I've been issued the task of using MATLAB Builder to convert a MATLAB function into a Java class, now I have gotten to a point where I have the results from one class being fed into another and since the MATLAB builder will only output an object, I'm having issues.
import java.util.*;
import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.*;
public class mainKrigTau {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object[] resultT = null;
Object[] resultK = null;
Object[] resultB = null;
krigingTau Tau = null;
krigingTau Krig = null;
Branin branin = null;
try {
Tau = new krigingTau();
Krig = new krigingTau();
branin = new Branin();
resultT = Tau.LPtau(1, 100, 2, 1234);
List<Object> X = Arrays.asList(resultT[0]);
} catch (MWException e)
} finally
So basically the output of the Tau class is a 2D array, so the array is embedded into the resultT[] object, how to I get access to this array? One method I have tried is as above, changing it into an array list, X outputs the array, but I can't access the components of the array. X.size = 1, not 100 which is the actual size of the array. edit - just to add, all the examples I can find just output the result object and display it, rather than do anything with it.
Okay a software engineer nearby came to the rescue. It's a bit of a roundabout way but it works.
try {
Tau = new krigingTau();
Krig = new krigingTau();
branin = new Branin();
resultT = Tau.LPtau(1, 100, 2, 1234);
List<Object> X = Arrays.asList(resultT[0]);
if (X.get(0) instanceof MWNumericArray) {
MWNumericArray mw= (MWNumericArray) X.get(0);
ArrayList<Point> lists = new ArrayList<Point>();
for(int i = 1; i <= mw.numberOfElements()/2; i++){
Object o = mw.get(i);
Double x = (Double) mw.get(i);
Double y = (Double) mw.get((mw.numberOfElements()/2)+i);
Point p = new Point(x.doubleValue(),y.doubleValue());
for(int i = 1; i < mw.numberOfElements()/2; i++)
resultB = branin.branin(1, lists.get(i).array);
where point sets the values of x and y into an array, so set it to an new MWNumericArray and do Object.get(i) but this flattens the array which is not ideal.