I'm using Minimod.PrettyPrint. For multidimensional lists and arrays, the PrettyPrint() function inserts line breaks between elements automatically if the elements are over a certain length.
My question is - How do I control when the line breaks happen between array elements? Specifically, I'd like all array elements to have a line break between them. For example, I would like the function
// myArray is of type int[][]
myArray.PrettyPrint(/*insert customization here to make the line break*/);
to output
[<elements of myArray[0]>],
[<elements of myArray[1]>],
[<elements of myArray[2]>]
By default, PrettyPrint()
will print this as
[[<elements of myArray[0]>],[<elements of myArray[1]>],[<elements of myArray[2]>]]
if the length the string written by PrettyPrint()
is below a certain length.
There is an overload of PrettyPrint()
that takes an object to customize the output, but I can't find examples of how to use it.
Edit: I've tried
PrettyPrintMinimod.Settings settings = new PrettyPrintMinimod.Settings();
and it doesn't seem to do anything. If I pass settings.PreferMultiline(false)
to an array with many elements, I still get line breaks, and if I pass settings.PreferMultiline(true)
I don't get line breaks.
It works OK for me:
var test = new int[][] { new int[] {1,2,3}, new int[] {4,5,6} };
var settings = new PrettyPrintMinimod.Settings();
It produces output like this:
If that's not really what you're after, there's always the nuclear option - write your own formatter:
settings.RegisterFormatterFor(typeof(int[][]), o => {
var array2d = (int[][])o;
return "[\r\n" + string.Join(",\r\n",
array2d.Select(array1d => "\t[" + string.Join(", ",
array1d.Select(s => s.ToString())) + "]")) + "\r\n]";
Which produces output like this:
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]