I'm trying to find a way to document AMD modules using JSDoc3.
* Module description.
* @module path/to/module
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function (jQuery, _) {
* @param {string} foo Foo-Description
* @param {object} bar Bar-Description
return function (foo, bar) {
// insert code here
Sadly none of the patterns listed on http://usejsdoc.org/howto-commonjs-modules.html work for me.
How can I generate a proper documentation that lists the parameters and return value of the function exported by the module?
The following seems to generate a result which looks quite acceptable:
* Module description
* @module path/to/module
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function (jQuery, _) {
* Description for function.
* @param {string} foo Foo-Description
* @param {object} bar Bar-Description
var exports = function () {
// insert code here
return exports;
Which describes the module and the function with something like:
require("path/to/module")(foo, bar)
That's not perfect for AMD modules but I think the reader of the documentation is able to understand what the module exports.