I have a gui that returns ,by pushing a button, an array of filenames. This array is shown in a figure at a table. I used that code:
f=figure('Position',[150 150 700 350]);
t=uitable('Parent',f,'Position' ,[25 25 700 200]);
This returns ,for example, 6 rows that each contain a filename in a specific folder.What i want is to find a way ,with which i provoke the animation of the file,from the table.I have the code-callback for the animation.
To sum up , i want ,for example push the name of a filename, or the number of the row of a filename ,or have something else in the table that calls the callback of the animation. Is it possible?Any ideas will be helpful.
So far , i used the below code:
f=figure('Position', [100, 200, 600, 460],...
'Name', 'Results-filenames',... % Title figure
'NumberTitle', 'off',... % Do not show figure number
'MenuBar', 'none'); % Hide standard menu bar menus
t=uitable('Parent',f,'Position' ,[50 100 300 230],...
'ColumnEditable', false,...
'Select cells to highlight them on the plot',...
So, when i select a row(filename), the select_callback function does the animation of the filename(something that i must work) in another figure.
You can add a button to start the animation:
tb = uitoolbar(f);
Alternatively set the 'CellSelectionCallback'
to run the callback on selection - search for the tag matlab-uitable and you will find a lot of examples how to do that.
f = figure('Position',[150 150 700 350]);
t = uitable('Parent',f,'Position' ,[25 25 700 200]);
Or make a fancy dropdown menu - so you can click the filename and choose between different options. Then you need the 'CellEditCallback'
function fancyUitable
selector = { 'Start animation'; 'Go to folder' ; 'Call police' };
h = figure('Position',[200 100 268 120],'numbertitle','off','MenuBar','none');
defaultData = repmat( {'select main option...'} );
columnformat = { {selector{:}} };
t = uitable(h,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1],...
'Data', defaultData,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
function chooseOption(~,evt_edit)
%// evaluate callback and determine which option was chosen, call your function