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Postgres JSON equivalent to HSTORE subtract operator

Postgres' hstore extension has a neat subtraction operator:

hstore - text[]

hstore - hstore

In the first case, it removes the key/value pairs where the keys are found in the array of strings: in the second case it removes all matching key/value pairs from the first hstore that appear in the second hstore.

It seems this operator does not exist for the new jsonb data type. Is there a simple way to perform these tasks?


  • The key is the json_each() function, and the ability in PostgreSQL to manually build up a json value.

    Here is a function which can handle json - text[]:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "json_object_delete_keys"(
      "json" json,
      VARIADIC "keys_to_delete" TEXT[]
      RETURNS json
      LANGUAGE sql
    AS $function$
      (SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json("key") || ':' || "value", ',') || '}')
         FROM json_each("json")
        WHERE "key" <> ALL ("keys_to_delete")),

    To handle the json - json case, you simple need to change the WHERE clause:

        WHERE "json"->>"key" <> ("remove"->>"key")),