I'm a new to Formtastic here. How do I go about styling Formtastic elements? By default, the labels beside my form elements are colored white. Is this normal or is it because I don't have a formtastic.css in my stylesheets folder?
I was able to figure it out myself.
In my zsh shell in the directory for my Rails app, I ran rails generate formtastic:install
I also put in the requisite requires in my application.css.scss
*= require formtastic
*= require my_formtastic_changes
Following this, I just created a my_formtastic_changes.css.scss
file in my stylesheets directory and implemented the following bit.
<%= semantic_form_for @section do |f| %>
<%= f.inputs do %>
<div id="section-details">
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :category %>
<%= f.input :description %>
<%= f.input :filepath %>
<%= f.input :site_section_id %>
<% end %>
I just then styled it in the my_formtastic_changes.scss
with this:
#section-details label {
color: #000;