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KnockoutJS Nested Mapping

I'm using KnockoutJS, and the mapping plugin, to create a user interface. When the page loads, it immediately calls:

$('document').ready ( function () {
  $.getJSON(some-url, function (data) {
    viewModel = new ViewModel(data);

That works great. The service at some-url responds with a JSON value of the form:

{ current: null
, ids: [0,1,2,3,4,5]

And I have created a method in my ViewModel class which is supposed to populate the current observable, based on the first id in the array:

self.head = function () {
  if (self.promptIds().length != 0) {
    var nextId = _.head(self.promptIds());
    $.getJSON("some-url" + "/" + nextId, function (data) {
      self.current = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);

Notice that I am setting self.current to be equal to the result of doing ko.mapping. So I am pretty much overwriting the previous observable there. And that explains why my bindings aren't updating, even though self.current is defined.

So how do I go about updating just the viewModel.current observable? All I want is to parse the response of an ajax query and make it a sub-viewModel.


  • I thought its:
