I am new to macros so I'm not sure this is possible in VBA.
I am trying to create a document where is composed with many mini tables made of 4 rows. One row is the title which have a checkbox and will always be shown and three rows below where contains data that I only what to see when I select the relevant checkbox.
This document will have many mini tables hence many check boxes and I was wondering if there is a generic selector for checkboxes where I can apply the same macro.
I have seen the following macro, but this will apply only to one check box and I was wondering if there was a way to apply one for all checkboxes saying that if checkbox in row 4 is selected then show row 5,6 and 7. If checkbox in row 8 is selected then show rows 9,10,and 11 and so on....
Private Sub CheckBoxRow4_Click()
Rows("5:6:7").Hidden = CheckBoxRow4.Value
End Sub
See screenshot for a better idea.
It would also be appreciated if you could indicate how can I get those three rows below hidden by default when opening the document.
I am using Excel 2011 for Mac if that makes any difference.
Thank you in advance.
I'm sure there will be several approaches to this. My first thought goes to adding checkboxes, linking them all to a single macro. When activated, you have to do several things:
find out who is calling the sub (which checkbox);
find out where that specific checkbox is located (which row);
hide / unhide the rows below it.
The name of the checkbox is easy. Application Caller
will give you that.
Location is the real problem here. I don't see a simple solution here, other then giving the checkboxes such specific names, that it is clear which row it is in. If you add a checkbox, you can give the name in the 'named range' inputfield. If you give it names that will specify the rows it must hide, it is even better. So something like:
would indicate the checkbox must hide / unhide rows 4 to 7.
Hiding the rows is now easy.
total solution:
Sub HideRows()
Dim cbName As String
Dim cbValue As Boolean
Dim s() As String
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
On Error Resume Next
cbName = Application.Caller
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub 'sub is not called from an application object
cbValue = (ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(cbName) = xlOn)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub 'sub is not called from a checkbox
On Error GoTo 0
s = Split(cbName, "_")
If s(LBound(s)) <> "HIDE" Then Exit Sub 'name of the shape is not valid
firstRow = Val(s(LBound(s) + 1))
lastRow = Val(s(LBound(s) + 2))
Sheets(1).Rows(firstRow & ":" & lastRow).Hidden = Not cbValue
End Sub
You would have to call the checkboxes HIDE_*firstrow*_*lastrow*
, and link them to this sub. That works on my side.
To hide all rows on opening, you could use the Workbook_Open sub (in the workbook code storage thingy). Something like this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim s() As String
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim cbValue As Boolean
For Each shp In Sheets(1).Shapes
Debug.Print shp.Name
s = Split(shp.Name, "_")
If s(LBound(s)) <> "HIDE" Then GoTo nextShp
'set checkbox off:
Sheets(1).CheckBoxes(shp.Name) = xlOff
firstRow = Val(s(LBound(s) + 1))
lastRow = Val(s(LBound(s) + 2))
Sheets(1).Rows(firstRow & ":" & lastRow).Hidden = True
Next shp
End Sub