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How to load N-TRIPLE file in apache jena?

I am quite new to RDF and Jena. I want load a .nt (N- TRIPLE) file to a model. I have tried read(inputStream, "N-TRIPLE") but did not help.

It throws

org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: Element or attribute do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName.

Can anyone point me out what is wrong?

Here is the link for the N-TRiple file which I tried to load :


  • read(inputStream, string) uses the string argument as the base URI, not the syntax language. It's trying the default, which is RDF/XML. Check the javadoc for Model#read(InputStream in, String base) and Model#read(InputStream in, String base, String lang) for more information., null, "N-TRIPLES") ;

    or, inputStream, LANG.NTRIPLES) ;

    If you are just opening the stream from a file (or URL) then Apache Jena will sort out the details. E.g.,, "file:///myfile.nt") ;

    There are various related operations. See the javadoc for Model and RDFDataMgr.