I am working on extjs 4.2 app with php mysql backend. I am able to add records to store via form. Than store autosyncs using proxies add new record to mysql. However, it doesnt create a "put" request and instead create a 'post' request. I have seen other samples regarding the same issue and most of them points towards configuring model's idProperty.
My frontend uses a form to create new/POST or to edit existing/PUT depending on presence of unique model ID
store uses ajax proxy
Save controller:
var form = this.getAnnDetailsPanel1().getForm();
var formData = form.getFieldValues();
var a = form.findField('annID');
var b = a.getValue();
//console.log("record doesnt exist - Add Record");
var store = Ext.data.StoreManager.get('announcementStore');
var sss = store.add(formData);
console.log("record exist - Edit Record");
var ttt = form.getRecord();
uuu = form.updateRecord(ttt);
php file:
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$con = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=openclass", "root", "") or die("cannot connect to mysql");
switch ($method) {
case "GET": // Return all records
$ClassID = $_GET["ClassID"];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM announcement " .
"WHERE ClassID = $ClassID " .
$sql = $con->prepare($sql);
$rows = array();
while ($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$rows['data'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($rows, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
case "PUT": // Update existing record, requires ID
$postData = getPostData();
$annID = getPostValue($postData, 'annID');
$ClassID = getPostValue($postData, 'ClassID');
$annHeading = getPostValue($postData, 'annHeading');
$annContent = getPostValue($postData, 'annContent');
$sql = "UPDATE announcement " .
"SET ClassID = '$ClassID' " .
" annHeading = '$annHeading' " .
" annContent = '$annContent' " .
"WHERE annID = '$annID' ";
$sql = $con->prepare($sql);
$result = $sql->execute();
case "POST": // New record
$postData = getPostData();
$ClassID = getPostValue($postData, 'ClassID');
$annHeading = getPostValue($postData, 'annHeading');
$annContent = getPostValue($postData, 'annContent');
$sql = "INSERT INTO announcement (ClassID, annHeading, annContent) " .
"VALUES ('$ClassID','$annHeading', '$annContent')";
$sql = $con->prepare($sql);
$result = $sql->execute();
case "DELETE": // Delete existing record, requires annID
$postData = getPostData();
$annID = getPostValue($postData, 'annID');
$sql = "DELETE FROM announcement " .
"WHERE annID = '$annID' ";
$sql = $con->prepare($sql);
$result = $sql->execute();
if (! $result) {
echo "{\"success\": false}";
} else {
echo "{\"annID\": $annID}";
$con = null;
function getPostData() {
$fileContents = file_get_contents("php://input");
return json_decode($fileContents, true);
function getPostValue($postData, $fieldName) {
return (!empty($postData[$fieldName]) ? htmlspecialchars($postData[$fieldName]) : NULL);
If you're going to stay with the Ajax proxy, you can adjust the actionMethods property to specify which HTTP verbs should be used for create, update, etc.
Alternatively (and probably better), you could use the Rest proxy to let Ext JS assign the verbs and generate the appropriate URLs automatically.