I've got a component like this
Ext.define('Fleximanager.view.pages.home', {
extend: 'Fleximanager.view.main.FlexiTab',
store: Ext.create('Fleximanager.store.hometables'), // this is the store for each instance
items: [{
xtype: 'dateselector'
xtype: 'dataview',
flex: 5,
store: this.up('flexitab').store, //this store should be the same as above
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
//the xtemplate here
where the store should be created with each new instance of this class and then it should be accessible from the dataview item. Here's the FlexiTab definition:
Ext.define('Fleximanager.view.main.FlexiTab', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
xtype: 'flexitab',
requires: [
closable: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
initComponent: function(){
this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();
reload: function(extraParams){
params = {
hostname: sessionStorage.hostname,
auth: sessionStorage.authSessionId,
corp: sessionStorage.activeCorp
if(typeof extraParams !== "undefined"){
for (var key in extraParams){
params[key] = extraParams[key];
params: params,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
console.log('successfully loaded store: ', records);
However I always get an error: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
which refers to the up() function, so it seems the dataview item doesn't have up() method.
My question is: how can I access the store instance?
Thanks for any reply
([EDIT]: changed the code to define the store as an object property)
Have you tried this?
Ext.define('Fleximanager.view.pages.home', {
extend: 'Fleximanager.view.main.FlexiTab',
initComponent: function(){
this.store = Ext.create('Fleximanager.store.hometables');
this.items = [{
xtype: 'dateselector'
xtype: 'dataview',
flex: 5,
store: this.store, //this store should be the same as above
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
//the xtemplate here
Ext.Panel.prototype.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
You can see an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/6ubSL/