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Is my VHDL 1-bit Behavioral ALU complete?

This is my first time writing VHDL code, and I'm wondering if this simple ALU VHDL code is complete. Everything I can find is for more complex ALUs, but I just need to write this simple one.

The problem is as follows:

Write a behavioral model that represents a simple ALU with integer inputs and output, and a function select input of type bit. If the function select is ‘0’, the ALU output should be the sum of the inputs; otherwise the output should be the difference of the inputs.

entity ALU is
    port(x, y, func: in bit; z: out bit;);
end entity ALU;

architecture behav of ALU is
    alu: process is
        case func is
            when "0" =>
                z <= x + y;
                wait on x, y;
            when "1" =>
                z <= x - y;
                wait on x, y;
        end case;
    end process;
end behav;

I'm not asking for a complete solution, rather just to know whether my code is everything I will need for this simple problem.



  • Your code will fail if the inputs x and y do not change, but the operator func does.

    That being said, in all of the VHDL code I've ever seen, you would just use a sensitivity list instead of the wait statements.

    process(func, x, y)
        case func is
            when "0" =>
                z <= x + y;
            when "1" =>
                z <= x - y;
        end case;
    end process;

    or, if you are using VHDL-2008:

        case func is