i'm using regex for filtering some contents.
var word = new RegExp(filterWord,"gi");// "gi" means Global and insensitive
content = content.replace(word, "");//removes "word" from content
This code works properly but when regex get uppercase "İ" it dont replace word.
ex: if
filterWord = istanbul
content = "İstanbul";
Above code not working properly , if i write istanbul to İstanbul ,it is working but this time it is not insensitive , how can i solve this problem ?
How regEx works with Small-Case and Upper-Case chars is based on the Hex-Code of the characters and how they are represented in Unicode consortium of that Unicode set(any language, I hope so as Unicode are based on International Standards).
eg: For English
Similarly, we have
Above are some highlighted characters with same colors are Upper and Small Case representation of their own and there is only one difference in their Hex-code. for Ê Hex-Code is 00CA and for ê is 00EA with one diffrence C and E at third position.
Similarly for Ý and ý Hex-Code is 00DD and u00FD with one difference D and F
Now check this eg:
'ÊÌÝêìý'.match(/Ì/gi) //case insensitive
//output ["Ì", "ì"]
'ÊÌÝêìý'.match(/Ì/g) //case sensitive
//output ["Ì"]
'ÊÌÝêìý'.match(/Ý/ig) //case insensitive
//output ["Ý", "ý"]
'ÊÌÝêìý'.match(/Ý/g) //case sensitive
//output ["Ý"]
If you are using right Characters then it should work normally. I don't know much about Latin-Turkish Characters.