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Is Joomla user management safe enough to handle potential data?

How difficult/easy is it to break into Joomla backend & to access the pages which are only set to be accessible by selected Joomla users of the website? Is it safe enough to rely on Joomla's management system?


  • Yes, Joomla is quite secure system by itself. Although you have to be careful with third party extensions and always track update news for all components (including core) you have installed and use your judgement about updating them. Usually security issues spotted quite quickly and you have time before succeed attack.

    Another thing keep in mind is proactive defense with all possible means you have in hands, this includes .htaccess and .htpasswd, also good idea to restrict ftp access to only local ips and use sftp instead.

    Also check out the security extensions around JED, the ones which prevents high level DDoS and extend admin page access protection might be also helpful, usually they are simple modules or plugins.

    And yes, do not forget change default username for superuser. And change all passwords ftp/superusers/mysql/htpasswd on regular basis.

    Follow this simple rules and you will be fine, at least most of the time you will be fine.