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Incremental Google OAuth with Asp.Net Owin Oauth

I'm looking for a solution to doing incremental authorization against Google's api's with Asp.Net's Owin OAuth Libraries.

I know how to set scope for specific api's, but I would like to do it incrementally and can only see how to set it on globally.

Doc on Google Oauth Incremental Auth...

Current VB Code...

Public Sub ConfigureAuth(app As IAppBuilder)

    Dim googleCreds = New GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions() With {
                .ClientId = "xxxx",
                .ClientSecret = "xxx"


    ' Would like to add another way to specify GoogleDrive, YouTube, Google+ scopes
    ' Example code that doesn't work that would add a 2nd Google Oauth Listener
    googleCreds.AuthenticationType = "GoogleDrive"

End Class


  • Here is the solution I came up with. It involves passing a "scope" parameter in the url and then parsing that in the "OnApplyRedirect" function of the Authentication options and then manually injecting the correct scope url into the redirect url.

        Dim googleCreds = New GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions() With {
            .ClientId = "xxx",
            .ClientSecret = "xxx",
            .Provider = New Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider() With { _
                .OnApplyRedirect = Function(context)
                                       Dim queryString = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToString()
                                       Dim queryParms = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString)
                                       ' Change the value of "redirect" here
                                       ' e.g. append access_type=offline
                                       Dim redirect As String = context.RedirectUri
                                       redirect += "&access_type=offline"
                                       redirect += "&approval_prompt=force"
                                       redirect += "&include_granted_scopes=true"
                                       Dim uri = New Uri(redirect)
                                       If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryParms.Get("scope"))) Then
                                           Dim scope = queryParms.Get("scope")
                                           Dim redirectQueryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query)
                                           Select Case scope
                                               Case "Analytics"
                                                   redirectQueryString.Set("scope", "")
                                               Case "YoutTube"
                                                   redirectQueryString.Set("scope", "")
                                               Case "Drive"
                                                   redirectQueryString.Set("scope", "")
                                               Case Else
                                                   LoggingUtility.LogErrorMessage("Invalid scope passed in: scope: " + scope)
                                           End Select
                                           redirect = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path) + "?" + redirectQueryString.ToString()
                                       End If
                                   End Function, _
        'Google Analytics