I have a 2884765579 bytes file. This is double checked with this function, that returns that number:
size_t GetSize() {
const size_t current_position = mFile.tellg();
mFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
const size_t ret = mFile.tellg();
return ret;
I then do:
mFile.seekg(pos, std::ios::beg);
// pos = 2883426827, which is < than the file size, 2884765579
This sets the failbit. errno
is not changed. What steps can I take to troubleshoot this?
I am absolutely sure that:
is really 2884765579EDIT: in case someone runs into the same problem.. Use this code I wrote (works on windows only) and many less headaches for you:
class BinaryIFile
BinaryIFile(const string& path) : mPath(path), mFileSize(0) {
mFile = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (mFile == -1)
FATAL(format("Cannot open %s: %s") % path.c_str() % strerror(errno));
~BinaryIFile() {
if (mFile != -1)
string GetPath() const { return mPath; }
int64 GetSize() {
if (mFileSize)
return mFileSize;
const int64 current_position = _telli64(mFile);
_lseeki64(mFile, 0, SEEK_END);
mFileSize = _telli64(mFile);
_lseeki64(mFile, current_position, SEEK_SET);
return mFileSize;
int64 Read64() { return _Read<int64>(); }
int32 Read32() { return _Read<int32>(); }
int16 Read16() { return _Read<int16>(); }
int8 Read8() { return _Read<int8>(); }
float ReadFloat() { return _Read<float>(); }
double ReadDouble() { return _Read<double>(); }
void Skip(int64 bytes) { _lseeki64(mFile, bytes, SEEK_CUR); }
void Seek(int64 pos) { _lseeki64(mFile, pos, SEEK_SET); }
int64 Tell() { return _telli64(mFile); }
template <class T>
T Read() { return _Read<T>(); }
void Read(char *to, size_t size) {
const int ret = read(mFile, (void *)to, size);
if ((int)size != ret)
FATAL(format("Read error: attempted to read %d bytes, read() returned %d, errno: %s [we are at offset %d, file size is %d]") % size % ret % strerror(errno) % Tell() % GetSize());
template <class T>
BinaryIFile& operator>>(T& val) { val = _Read<T>(); return *this; }
const string mPath;
int mFile;
int64 mFileSize;
template <class T>
T _Read() { T ret; if (sizeof(ret) != read(mFile, (void *)&ret, sizeof(ret))) FATAL("Read error"); return ret; }
You can seekg before a given position, so pos is signed. Try it with files of size 0x7fffffff and 0x80ffffff and see if the latter triggers the problem, that's my guess.