I went through lot of knockout articles but I'm failing to mapped below json object to knockout view model
"Name":"Model 1",
"Name":"Model 2",
this is my jsfiddle code jsfiddle Link
Ok I've updated the fiddle:
var mapping = {
'Styles': {
create: function (options) { // I fiddled with this, play around with it
var self = options.data;
self.stockimage = ko.observable();
return self;
var data = {"VehicleModels":[{"Name":"Model 1","Model":{"MakeName":"Ford"},"Styles":[{"StockImage":"http://google.com"}]},{"Name":"Model 2","Model":{"MakeName":"Ford"},"Styles":[{"StockImage":"http://bing.com"}]}]};
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(data,mapping); // Here you did not need to put this as the 3rd parameter
ko.applyBindings(viewModel); // you need to apply the bindings at some point
And finally, you've tried to specify a value to a span:
<span data-bind='value: Name' />
Spans don't have values I think you wanted text:
<span data-bind='text: Name' />