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How to add auto-complete for common functions like "Start" and "Update"

Monodevelop can auto-complete code, but it can't auto-complete key functions like Start, Update, FixedUpdate, OnCollisionEnter and so on, as such I often misspell the key functions.

Is there a way to add auto-complete or spell-check entries for these common functions?


  • While you can't create autocorrect entries in MonoDevelop, you can create Code Snippets (called Code Templates in MonoDevelop).

    A code snippet is a chunk of code that is automatically created when you type an id string (e.g. start) and hit tab. It could be a function, a property, a bit of boilerplate you always find yourself writing (e.g. GetComponent calls). It even shows up in the autocorrect list.

    Code snippets are quite powerful, and even allow you to tab over boilerplate and change important things like types and variable names easily and quickly.

    Simply create a code snippet (MonoDevelop-> Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Code Templates-> Add) for each of the items you typically have problems with.