I want to get every unique value in an ordinal scale (built from an array of an array). Let's say this is my dataset:
var people = [
["Mary", "Mary Smith", "ID00001", 9.99 ],
["James", "James Smith", "ID00002", 19.99 ],
["Frank", "Frank Black","ID00003", 19.96 ],
["Mary","Mary Brown","ID00004", 9.95 ],
["Tony", "Tony Stark", "ID00005", 2319.99 ],
["Frank", "Frank Howard","ID00006", 219.96 ],
["Mary","Mary Brown","ID00004", 339.95 ]
and then I build my scale from this data:
var ordScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(people.map( function (d) { return d[0]; }))
.rangeBands([0, 10], 0);
That is, despite there being six different people, I'll end up with only four names in my domain (as far as I believe!):
I have two questions about this:
There are basically two things that you could check about a scale -- the domain and the range. It sounds like you're interested in the domain, so you can check that by calling the respective method:
Demo here.
As for your second question, you can simply sort the array before passing it to .domain()
people.map( function (d) { return d[0]; }).sort();
Demo here.