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How to exit recursion in ANSI C

I am writing a simple program to calculate the factorials in ANSI C. The program works fine up to 12 because past 13 the numbers become too large for INT. What I want to do is to print the first 12, then somehow BREAK and send an error for the 13th number. However, the problem is that when I reach the 13th number and send the error, the first 12 do not print. Is is possible to return the error and still get the first 12?

My code:

#include <math.h>

int getIntFactorial(int x){

printf("Processing factorial of (%d) \n", x);
if (x <=1){
    printf("\n Reached base case, returning %d \n", x);
    printf("Now returning total value \n");
    return 1;
}else if (x < 13){
    printf("\n Doing recursion by calling factorial (%d - 1) \n", x);

    int counter = x * getIntFactorial(x - 1);

    printf("Receiving results of factorial (%d) = %d * %d = %d \n", x, x, (x-1), counter);
    return counter;
}else {
///number is greater than 13
    printf("Sorry, we cannot do the factorial for %d, only goes up to 12 \n", x);




Output for 13:

Processing factorial of (13)
Sorry, we cannot do the factorial for 13, only goes up to 12

Process returned 62 (0x3E)   execution time : 0.009 s
Press any key to continue.

Output for 12:

Processing factorial of (12)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (12 - 1)
Processing factorial of (11)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (11 - 1)
Processing factorial of (10)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (10 - 1)
Processing factorial of (9)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (9 - 1)
Processing factorial of (8)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (8 - 1)
Processing factorial of (7)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (7 - 1)
Processing factorial of (6)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (6 - 1)
Processing factorial of (5)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (5 - 1)
Processing factorial of (4)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (4 - 1)
Processing factorial of (3)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (3 - 1)
Processing factorial of (2)

 Doing recursion by calling factorial (2 - 1)
Processing factorial of (1)

 Reached base case, returning 1
Now returning total value
Receiving results of factorial (2) = 2 * 1 = 2
Receiving results of factorial (3) = 3 * 2 = 6
Receiving results of factorial (4) = 4 * 3 = 24
Receiving results of factorial (5) = 5 * 4 = 120
Receiving results of factorial (6) = 6 * 5 = 720
Receiving results of factorial (7) = 7 * 6 = 5040
Receiving results of factorial (8) = 8 * 7 = 40320
Receiving results of factorial (9) = 9 * 8 = 362880
Receiving results of factorial (10) = 10 * 9 = 3628800
Receiving results of factorial (11) = 11 * 10 = 39916800
Receiving results of factorial (12) = 12 * 11 = 479001600

Process returned 479001600 (0x1C8CFC00)   execution time : 0.015 s
Press any key to continue.


  • According to my understanding of the requirement, Changing return; in the last else block to return getIntFactorial(x-1) would yield the result you want?