I have an application in Extjs and I need to select a specific node to expand the tree.
I am using the following method:
var record = tree.getRootNode().FindChild('text', 'employee', true);
in this way does not work, but if I select any one node and then run the above method, it works without problems.
Help please
tree.expandPath(route, "text", "->", function() {
var record = tree.getRootNode().findChild('text','BASE',true);
Friends thanks for your help, I was able to solve my problem.
Apparently I did not select the node because it had not shown the window and the nodes were not available, so here add a listener after render.
so I stay my code:
listeners: {
afterrender : function(){
this.selectPath(this.ruta, 'text', '->', function (s,n) {
var nodeEl = Ext.get(this.view.getNode(n));
nodeEl.scrollIntoView(this.view.el, false, true);
this solution apart from selecting me too the node moves to its location in the tree.
hopefully serve them.