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How to access dicom attributes in nested sequences using pixelmed (java)?

I need to access all GantryAngle values within each ControlPointSequence attribute within the BeamSequence attribute.

Here is a quick visualization of the nesting

Beam Sequence
    Control Point Sequence
        Gantry Angle
    Control Point Sequence
        Gantry Angle
    Control Point Sequence
        Gantry Angle

How could I access each gantry angle using the pixelmed library?


thanks to help from cnellar, here is what ended up working

private ArrayList<Double> getAngles( SequenceAttribute beamSequence ) {
ArrayList<Double> n = new ArrayList<Double>();

Iterator is = beamSequence.iterator();
while (is.hasNext()) {
    SequenceItem item = (SequenceItem);
    if (item != null) { 
        AttributeList itemList = item.getAttributeList();
        if (itemList != null) {
            SequenceAttribute ctrlPoint = (SequenceAttribute)itemList.get( TagFromName.ControlPointSequence );
            Iterator is1 = ctrlPoint.iterator();
            while (is1.hasNext()) {
                SequenceItem item1 = (SequenceItem);
                if (item1 != null) { 
                    AttributeList itemList1 = item1.getAttributeList();
                    if (itemList1 != null) {

                        Attribute gantry_angle = itemList1.get( TagFromName.GantryAngle );



return n;



  • I expect something like:

    private double[] getAngles( SequenceAttribute beamSequence ) {
    Iterator is = beamSequence.iterator();
    while (is.hasNext()) {
        SequenceItem item = (SequenceItem);
        if (item != null) { 
            AttributeList itemList = item.getAttributeList();
            if (itemList != null) {
                Attribute ctrlPoint = itemList.get( TagFromName.ControlPointSequence );
                // Do the same sifting through this sequence to get your gantry angle
                // and add it to your list of values.