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Indexes in Akiban's Persistit

Any idea on how to define indexes on data stored with Akiban's Persistit key/value store?


  • There isn't first class/API support for secondary indexes in Persistit. That isn't to say you can't create indexes though!

    What is an index? In practice, all an index contains is another copy of the data. For example, in a relational database with a users table, an index on the first_name column would allow efficient look-up by first name. That can be achieved by storing an additional copy of the first name with the primary identifier to create a "link" back to the main row.

    Here's an isolated example of that:

    import com.persistit.*;
    import com.persistit.exception.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class IndexDemo implements AutoCloseable
      public static class User implements Serializable
        public int id;
        public String firstName;
        public String lastName;
        public User() {
        public User(int id, String firstName, String lastName) {
 = id;
          this.firstName = firstName;
          this.lastName = lastName;
        public String toString() {
          return String.format("User(%d, %s, %s)", id, firstName, lastName);
      private final Persistit db;
      public IndexDemo() throws PersistitException {
        Configuration c = new Configuration();
        c.getVolumeList().add(new VolumeSpecification(
        this.db = new Persistit(c);
      public void close() throws PersistitException {
      public Exchange userEx() throws PersistitException {
        return db.getExchange("IndexDemo", "users", true);
      public Exchange firstNamesEx() throws PersistitException {
        return db.getExchange("IndexDemo", "firstNames", true);
      // Save the user, both primary and secondary firstName index
      public void saveUser(User u) throws PersistitException {
        Exchange ex = userEx();
        // Primary entries: key of ID and value of full User
        // First name index: key of (name,ID)
        ex = firstNamesEx();
      // Look-up the user by ID
      public User userByID(int id) throws PersistitException {
        Exchange ex = userEx();
        // Construct and fetch our key
        // Careful: may not exist
        if(!ex.getValue().isDefined()) {
            return null;
        // Otherwise get it from the value
        return (User)ex.getValue().get();
      // Index scan for users with firstName, look-up and return all matches
      public List<User> usersByFirstName(String firstName) throws PersistitException {
        List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
        Exchange ex = firstNamesEx();
        // Iterate over only entires matching firstName
        while( {
          // Index to second component (id) and decode
          int id = ex.getKey().indexTo(1).decodeInt();
          // And lookup the user
        return users;
      public static void main(String[] args) throws PersistitException {
        try(final IndexDemo demo = new IndexDemo()) {
          System.out.println("No Transaction:");
        try(final IndexDemo demo = new IndexDemo()) {
          demo.db.getTransaction().run(new TransactionRunnable() {
            public void runTransaction() throws PersistitException {
      public static void runDemo(IndexDemo demo) throws PersistitException {
        demo.saveUser(new User(1, "John", "Doe"));
        demo.saveUser(new User(2, "John", "Smith"));
        demo.saveUser(new User(3, "Sally", "Jones"));
        System.out.println("  User  1: " + demo.userByID(1));
        System.out.println("  User 10: " + demo.userByID(10));
        System.out.println("  Users named John:");
        for(User u : demo.usersByFirstName("John")) {
          System.out.println("    " + u);

    Running yields this output:

    No Transaction:
      User  1: User(1, John, Doe)
      User 10: null
      Users named John:
        User(1, John, Doe)
        User(2, John, Smith)
      User  1: User(1, John, Doe)
      User 10: null
      Users named John:
        User(1, John, Doe)
        User(2, John, Smith)

    There isn't too much going on:

    • User POJO with a few attributes
    • Basic Persistit configuration and start-up
    • Helpers for saving, look-up by primary/ID and scan by first name
    • Demo usage of all the helpers
    • Main runs the demo both inside and outside of a transaction

    All the pieces are there for building something extremely simple, like this demo, to something very sophisticated, like a complete SQL server.