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In java, Date() method returns a value. but I am confused in that

I used Date() for getting the date of my birthday, but it was returned the mismatch of the month. My birthday is 04-March-87. so i gave an input as,

Date birthDay = new Date(87,03,04,8,30,00);

But it returns correct year, day and time. But month was problem. It displays April month.

  • Expected: Thu Mar 04 08:30:00 IST 1987
  • Observed: Sat Apr 04 08:30:00 IST 1987

What's wrong with that?


  • Months are set from 0 to 11, January =0, February = 1, ..., December = 11.

    So, for April do this:

    Date birthDate = new Date(87,02,04,8,30,00); //March = 2

    Hope this helps;


    The Date class with this constructor public Date(int year, int month, int date, int hrs, int min) is deprecated (i.e. it has been declared @Deprecated).

    Rather do this.

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar.set(1987, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0);
    Date birthDate = calendar.getTime();

    (It will return the same thing as what you asked for)